Miesiąc temu podczas imprezy Comic-Con w San Diego "najlepsze brwi show business'u" czyli Cara Delevingne zadebiutowała nowe cięcie, czy nadal ultra modnego loba. Pisałam o nim tutaj. Do tej pory Cara zawsze nosiła długie lekko pofalowane blond włosy. Tym razem zaskoczyła wszystkim dramatycznym cięciem. Moją uwagę jednak przykuł zestaw jaki ubrała na czerwony dywan promując nowy film Luc'a Besson'a "Valeriane", który wchodzi do kin w przyszłym roku. Modelka/aktorka ubrała na tę okazję zestaw składający się w głównej mierze z ciuchów od DSquared2.
A month ago during the Comic Con event in San Diego "the best brows in the business" aka Cara Delevingne debuted a new do which is a still ultra trendy lob. I wrote about it here. Until now Cara wore her hair long, blond and wavy. This time she surprised everyone with a more dramatic cut. Hair is great, but my attention was enchained by the look she did on the red carpet before the premier of the new Luc Besson's movie "Valerie" which is coming to the cinemas next year. Model/actress chose a whole look from the DSquared2.
A month ago during the Comic Con event in San Diego "the best brows in the business" aka Cara Delevingne debuted a new do which is a still ultra trendy lob. I wrote about it here. Until now Cara wore her hair long, blond and wavy. This time she surprised everyone with a more dramatic cut. Hair is great, but my attention was enchained by the look she did on the red carpet before the premier of the new Luc Besson's movie "Valerie" which is coming to the cinemas next year. Model/actress chose a whole look from the DSquared2.
Pokazuje nam, że wiązane sandałki to hit sezonu, a zwykła czarna marynarka ma siłę przebicia. Prosty biały T-shirt w połączeniu z wzorzystymi spodniami to zawsze dobry wybór. Dozę elegancji dodaje prosta, czarna marynarka, a odrobinę wariacji sandałki sznurowane żółtą sznurówką. Poprzez wybór tego zestawu, chcę Wam pokazać, że warto czasem zaszaleć. Nie musi to być sukienka z mięsa, a zwykła żółta sznurówka. Popatrzmy na szczegóły tego zestawu, który cały został ściągnięty z kolekcji DSquared2 Resort 2017.
She showed us that laced up sandals are an absolute hit this summer and that a simple black jacket can go a long way. Plain white T matched with patterned pants is always a good choice. A dose of elegance adds a simple black jacket, a bit of crazy laced up sandals with a yellow lace. By picking this outfit I want to show you that it is alright to go mad a little sometimes. It doesn't have to be a meat dress, but a simple yellow lace. Let's have a look at the details of this look. Most of the items are taken from the DSquared Resort 2017 collection.
She showed us that laced up sandals are an absolute hit this summer and that a simple black jacket can go a long way. Plain white T matched with patterned pants is always a good choice. A dose of elegance adds a simple black jacket, a bit of crazy laced up sandals with a yellow lace. By picking this outfit I want to show you that it is alright to go mad a little sometimes. It doesn't have to be a meat dress, but a simple yellow lace. Let's have a look at the details of this look. Most of the items are taken from the DSquared Resort 2017 collection.
DSquared2,jacket €1500, shoes €1000 total: ok. 10650 PLN, www.dsquared2.com (not available yet) |
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DSTLD, $25 (ok. 95,26 PLN), www.dstld.com |
DSquared2, 4895 PLN, www.luisaviorama.com |
Vita Fade, necklace + bracelet, ca. $1000 (ok. 3810,35 PLN), www.vitafade.com |
Total value: 19 450,61 PLN
Twoja kolej/Your turn:
Twoja kolej/Your turn:
Only, £50 (ok. 251,51 PLN), www.asos.com |
Forever21, €25 (ok. 107,75 PLN), www.forever21.com |
New Look, £24,99 (ok. 125,70 PLN), www.newlook.com |
Forever21, €11 (ok. 47,40 PLN), www.forever21.com |
H&M, 39,90 PLN, www.hm.com |
ASOS, £12 (ok. 60,36 PLN), www.asos.com |
New Look, £27,99 (ok. 140,80 PLN), www.asos.com |
ZARA, 279 PLN, www.zara.com |
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Mango, 99,90 PLN, www.mango.com |
TOPSHOP, £59 (ok. 296,77 PLN), www.topshop.com |
Public Desire, £29,99 (ok. 150,85 PLN), www.asos.com |
New Look, £29,99 (ok. 150,85 PLN), www.newlook.com |
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DeeZee, 79 PLN, www.deezee.pl |
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DeeZee, 59,99 PLN, www.deezee.pl |
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DeeZee, 55 PLN, www.deezee.pl |
Bridge-Art, naszyjnik + bransoletka, 33,80 PLN, www.bridge-art.pl |
I really like this outfit. I think that this might be a good set for every day or to the office, sure the pants doesn't have to be camo pants. I hope that you like my choices and you will be able to recreate this look for less easily.
photo credit: Pinterest, Google Images, www.vogue.co.uk, www.dailymail.co.uk, online stores as stated above
- 23:20